Autor/esTítuloAño de publicaciónTipoPublicación
A. Ramajo, A. de la Escalera, J.M. Armingol3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Practical Survey2023Communication9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
L. Montalvo, N. Hernández, I. ParraA Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures for WiFi-based Urban Localisation9/19/2021PaperIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2021 (IEEE ITSC21)
V. Trentin, A. Artuñedo, J. Godoy, J. VillagraA comparison of lateral intention models for interaction-aware motion prediction at highways4/28/2021Paper7th International Paper on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
A. Artuñedo; J. Godoy; J. VillagráA decision-making architecture for automated driving without detailed prior maps6/11/2019ConferenceIntelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
WM Alvarez, MÁ de Miguel, F García, C Olaverri-MonrealA Method for Synthetic LiDAR Generation to Create Annotated Datasets for Autonomous Vehicles Perception27-30 octubre 2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
Jorge Beltrán, Irene Cortes, Alejandro Barrera, Jesus Urdiales, Fernando García, Arturo de la EscaleraA Method for Synthetic LiDAR Generation to Create Annotated Datasets for Autonomous Vehicles Perception2019CommunicationIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference - ITSC
K. Mahtani, L. F. Beites, Jaime Rodríguez, C. VeganzonesADAPTED HANDS-ON SELF-LEARNING METHODS THROUGH SIMULATION TO ENHANCE THE DISTANCE LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN ELECTRICAL MACHINES (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING)2021ConferenceINTED 2021 15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
M. Ismail, A. Tarek, P. Marín, D. Martín, José María Armingol, M. AbdelazidAdvanced Mapping and Localization for Autonomous Vehicles using OSM4-6 Septiembre 2019ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
M. A. SoteloAdvanced Motion Prediction for Self-Driving Cars4/28/2021Paper2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)
Fazio EA; Peña CBAgent-based simulation model of bus evacuation events.1/1/2021Conference
JIMENEZ ALONSO, FELIPEAlgoritmo extrínseco de calibración de sensores LiDAR montados en un vehículo.10/20/2021Communication
Gijón Rivera, C., Fernández Pérez, J. Á., Olazagoitia, J. L., & Reyes Avendaño, J. A.Análisis de la fuerza de amortiguación producida por un sistema de captación de energía en suspensiones de automóviles.2022Otro (especificar en comentarios)“Simposium Internacional on Electromobility (ISEM)”
Jiménez, F.Análisis de las enseñanzas en vehículos y transportes en las titulaciones de Ingeniería Industrial y afines.7/6/2021Communication
Paul Narváez, Blanca Arenas Ramírez, José Mira McWilliams, Francisco Aparicio IzquierdoAnálisis exploratorio de la movilidad de vehículos turismo registrados en las ITV en España.7/6/2021Conference
Jorge Nájera, Jaime Rodríguez, Rosa M. de Castro, Hugo Mendonça, Marcos Blanco, Gustavo Navarro, Marcos LafozAnalysis of Electric Vehicles Battery Ageing Associated to Smart Charging Controls2023Conference8th International Electric Vehicle Conference
Alfredo Valle Barrio, Felipe Jimenez Alonso,Application of automation of public road works vehicles in unstructured environments.9/15/2021Otro (especificar en comentarios)
M.A. de Miguel, F.M. Moreno, F. García, J.M. Armingol, R.E. MartinAutonomous vehicle architecture for high automation2019CommunicationInternational Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory
Marcos Blanco; Jorge Nájera; Miguel Santos; Gustavo Navarro; Jorge Torres; Luis García-Tabarés; Marcos LafozBattery ageing analysis for the dimensioning of an energy storage system to smooth power output of a wave energy system2022ConferenceInternational Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2022)
J. Nájera, M. Lafoz, G. Navarro, J. TorresBattery Energy Storage System Dimensioning for Grid Applications According to Power Quality and Battery Ageing10/8/2019CommunicationII Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities (ICSCCITIES2019)
Jorge Nájera; Marcos Blanco; Gustavo Navarro; Miguel SantosBattery Energy Storage System Dimensioning for Reducing the Fixed Term of the Electricity Access Rate in Industrial Consumptions2020ConferenceIII Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES2020)
V. Trentin; R. S. Guerra; and G. R. LibrelottoContradictions in assessing human morals and the ethical design of autonomous vehicles10/25/2019ConferenceXVI Latin American Robotics Symposium and VII Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR)
A. Artuñedo, J. Godoy, M. Beteta, J. VillagraCorridors-based navigation for automated vehicles convoy in off-road environments7/6/2022Paper11th IFAC Symposum on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
M. A. Martínez Miranda, C. R. Torres-San Miguel, J. A. Flores Campos, I. L. Cruz Jaramillo, L. Martínez-SáezCoupling Device for Child Restraint System (CRS) for Infants Affected with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Design and Numerical Assessment11-13/06/2019Conference26th ESV
Irene Cortes1, Jorge Beltran, Arturo de la Escalera and Fernando Garc?aDALi: Domain Adaptation in LiDAR Point Clouds for 3D Obstacle Detection2022CommunicationIEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
A. Hernández, J. Lorenzo, I. García, D. F. LlorcaData-driven vehicle speed detection from synthetic driving simulator images2021PaperIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2021 (IEEE ITSC21)
A. Hernández; S. Woo; H.Corrales; I. Parra; E. Kim; D. F. Llorca; M. A. SoteloD-DEEP: 3-Dimensional Deep-learning based on elevation patterns for road scene interpretation6/23/2020ConferenceIEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2020 (IVS)
H. Corrales; D. F. Llorca; I. Parra; M. A. Sotelo.Deep convolutional neural networks for fine-grained car model classification.2/17/2019Conference17th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2019)
J. Urdiales, D, Martín, J.M. ArmingolDeep Learning Data Association Applied to Multi-Object Tracking Systems2022CommunicationInternational Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory
A. Ramajo, J. González, J.M. ArmingolDeep Learning for robust Vehicle re-identification2022CommunicationFifth Iberian Robotics Conference
Marcos Blanco; Marcos Lafoz; Gustavo Navarro; Jorge Torres; Jorge Nájera; Miguel SantosDesign and Control of a Modular Power Electronic Back-to-Back Converter for Wave Energy Harvesting Applications2021ConferenceEuropean Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21)
Alejandro Ruiz-de-la-Cuadra, David Yagüe-Cuevas, Pablo Marín-Plaza y José María ArmingolDetección y modelado de la carretera mediante el análisis morfológico de nubes de puntos2021CommunicationXIX CONFERENCIA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA PARA LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL
F. Jiménez, A. Astudillo, B. Monsalve, M. Paz Sesmero, J.M. Armingol, J. Fernández, J.E. Naranjo, A. Sanchis, N. AlianeDistributed decision support system for cooperative connected and autonomous driving in complex environments2021Communication27th ITS World Congress
F Pizzati, F GarcíaDynamics Platooning Model and Protocols for Self-Driving Vehicles9-12 junio 2019Poster2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
C.MorenoEffects of interconnected suspension systemas on the dynamics of sport motorcycles2019ConferenceBicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics
José María López MartínezEl reto del transporte frente al CO2.7/13/2021Conference
Marcos Lafoz; Marcos Blanco; Miguel Santos; Jorge NájeraEnergy Storage as a Solution to Integrate Wave Energy in Electric Grids2022ConferencePanamerican Marine Energy Conference (PAMEC 2022)
F Pizzati, M Allodi, A Barrera, F GarcíaEnhanced free space detection in multiple lanes based on single CNN with scene identification9-12 junio 2019Poster2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
Blanca Arenas Ramírez, Almudena Sanjurjo de No, Francisco Aparicio Izquierdo oEstudio de accidentes de ciclistas en España.7/6/2021Conference
Almudena Sanjurjo-de-No, Blanca Arenas-Ramírez, José Manuel Mira-McWilliams, Arturo Furones Crespo, Javier Páez Ayuso, Francisco Aparicio-IzquierdoEstudio de patrones de comportamiento de conductores en accidentes de tráfico en España. Período 2004-2013.2019ConferenceII CONGRESO sobre MEDIOS de TRANSPORTES y sus TECNOLOGÍAS ASOCIADAS
Víctor Miguel Toalombo Vargas, Blanca del Valle Arenas Ramírez, Giovanny Pablo Pillajo QuijíaEstudio de severidad en accidentes de tráfico de autobuses y autocares en Argentina y España con árboles de clasificación.7/6/2021Conference
Blanca Arenas RamírezEstudios estadísticos de accidentes y víctimas para la movilidad segura.12/9/2021Conference
Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Martín, M., Ramírez, A., Anguera, M., García, P.Excavación de túneles con vehículos autónomos2019ConferenceXIX Congreso Español de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte
VALLE BARRIO, ALFREDOExcavación de túneles con vehículos autónomos.6/1/2021Otro (especificar en comentarios)
Zamir Mera, Natalia Fonseca, Jesús Casanova y José María LópezExhaust gas temperature and Nox after-treatment performance of Euro 6 passenger cars2019ConferenceTAP2019 - 23rd Transport and Air Pollution Conference, at Thessaloniki, Greece
Jesús Casanova, Fredy Rosero y Natalia Fonseca González y Nuria FloresExperience using a diffusion charging particle counter in a Euro V diesel city bus in Madrid. Influence of the tansient conditions on PN emission factors2019PosterPOSTER: 23rd ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles
CRUZ RUIZ, ALBERTOExperiencias de sistemas cooperativos como catalizadores para altos niveles de automatización en la conducción.7/6/2021Otro (especificar en comentarios)
JIMENEZ ALONSO, FELIPEExperiencias de sistemas cooperativos como catalizadores para altos niveles de automatización en la conducción.7/6/2021Communication
R. Izquierdo; A. Quintanar; I. Parra; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.Experimental validation of lane-change intention prediction methodologies based on CNN and LSTM.10/27/2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
J. F. Medina-Lee, V. Trentin, J. VillagraFramework for motion prediction of vehicles in a simulation environment9/4/2019PaperXL Jornadas de Automática
Díaz, A., Serradilla, F., Jiménez, F., Talavera, E., Olaverri, C.Fuzzy Controller Inference via Gradient Descent to Model the Longitudinal Behavior on Real Drivers2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium IV19
A. Quintanar, R. Izquierdo, I. Parra, D. F. LlorcaGoal-Oriented Transformer to Predict Context-aware Trajectories in Urban Scenarios45119Paper9th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting
L.Pérez Orosa, E.Chinarro, D.Guinea, Maria C.García-Alegre.Hydrogen production by electro-oxidation of olive mil wastewater in an alkaline solution.2019ConferenceVII Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC2019).
F.J. Moreno, O. El-Sobky, F. García, J. M. ArmingolHypergrid: A Hyper-Fast ROS-Based Framework for Local Map Generation4-6 Septiembre 2019ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
JIMENEZ ALONSO, FELIPEIdentificación automática de la percepción de elementos en la carretera por parte del conductor mediante sistemas de visión y laser.10/20/2021Communication
Almudena Sanjurjo-de No, Blanca Arenas-Ramírez, Francisco Aparicio-IzquierdoIdentificación de responsabilidad en la ocurrencia de accidentes de tráfico en España.7/6/2021Conference
Ángel Losada Arias; Javier Páez Ayuso; Juan José Herrero Villamor; Luca Piovano; Francisco Luque; Asunción SantamaríaImprovement of the AEB activation algorithm based on the pedestrian reaction. Outstanding paper award.9/14/2021Conference
J. Nájera, J. R. Arribas, M. Lafoz, P. Moreno-Torres, R. M. de CastroInfluence of Different Charging Rates on Li-ion Battery Lifespan: Experimental Validation5/21/2019Poster32nd International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32, Lyon)
Miguel Santos; Jorge Torres; Luis García-Tabarés; Marcos Blanco; Gustavo Navarro; Jorge Nájera; Álvaro Santiago; Marcos LafozInnovation, from concept to reality: a novel linear switched reluctance generator for wave energy conversion2021ConferenceInternational Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2021)
S. Martín, D. F. Llorca, I. G. Daza, M. A. Sotelo.Insertion of real agents behaviors in CARLA autonomous driving simulator.44861Paper6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, 2022 (CHIRA 2022)
C. Justo de Frías, A. Al-Kaff, F. Miguel Moreno, Á. Madridano, J. M. ArmingolIntelligent Cooperative System for Traffic monitoring in Smart Cities2020CommunicationIEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium
J. Villagra, V. Trentin, A. Artuñedo, J. GodoyInteraction-aware risk assessment: focus on the lateral intention11/18/2020PaperIEEE 3rd Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium
F. Miguel Moreno, Ahmed Hussein, Fernando García, J.M. Armingol MorenoLandmark Placement Optimization for Accurate Localization in Autonomous Vehicles2021CommunicationIEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference
Díaz, A., Talavera, E., Jiménez, F., Serradilla, F., Olaverri, C.¸ San Juan, A.Lane change behaviour inference through deep-learning-based environment analysis2019Conference13th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.
MÁ de Miguel, FM Moreno, F García, JM Armingol, RE MartinLane Detection and Classification using Cascaded CNNs17-22 febrero, 2019ConferenceInternational Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, 145-152
D. F. Llorca; H. Corrales; I. Parra; M. A. Sotelo.License plate localization using CNN-based numerical coordinate regression.2/17/2019Conference17th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2019)
Armando Astudillo Olalla, Abdulla Al-Kaff, Angel Madridano, Fernando García, David Martin Gomez, Arturo de La EscaleraLightweight Semantic-CNN for Depth Estimation from Monocular Aerial Images2020CommunicationInternational Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
A. Hermos, J. Godoy, P. de la Puente, J. Villagrá, F. MatíaLocalization Method for Autonomous Vehicles by using Vertical Elements in the Environment12/10/2019PosterRobotica e Inteligencia Artificial: Retos y nuevas oportunidades
Lopez Martinez, Jose MariaLos retos del automóvil frente a la descarbonización del transporte.5/26/2021Conference
A. Artuñedo; G. Corrales; J. Villagra; J. GodoyMachine learning based motion planning approach for intelligent vehicles10/20/2020Conference2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
J. F. Medina-Lee, V. Jimenez, J. Godoy, J. VillagraManeuver Planner for Automated Vehicles on Urban Scenarios11/15/2022Paper2022 IEEE International Paper on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES)
Almudena Sanjurjo de No, Blanca Arenas Ramírez, José Mira McWilliams, Francisco Aparicio IzquierdoMétodo de exposición cuasi-inducida: asignación de responsabilidad.12/9/2021Communication
Ángel Madridano, Abdulla Al-Kaff, David Martín, Arturo de la Escalera y José María ArmingolMétodo de Planificación de Trayectorias múltiples para Enjambre de UAVs4-6 Septiembre 2019PosterXL Jornadas de Automática
Miguel Ángel Tomé de la Torre Antonio Álvarez Fernández-BalbuenaMétodo y dispositivo de control de la distancia en tiempo real para prevenir la pseudomiopíaNov-19ConferenceSIYO-Valencia
Miguel Ángel Tomé de la Torre Antonio Álvarez Fernández-BalbuenaMétodo y dispositivo para el control postural de la inclinación de la cabeza en tiempo realNov-19ConferenceSIYO-Valencia
Jorge Nájera; Gustavo Navarro; Marcos Blanco; Isabel Villalba; Eduardo Rausell; Anahí Martínez; Óscar Izquierdo; Marcos LafozMetodología de Dimensionado Multivariable de Un Sistema Híbrido de Almacenamiento Con Baterías y Supercondensadores2022ConferenceV Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES2022)
A. L. Ballardini, A. Hernández, M. A. Sotelo.Model Guided Road Intersection Classification7/11/2021PaperIEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2021 (IEEE IV21)
Edinalva Gomes Bastos, Víctor Pita González-Campos, Blanca Arenas-Ramírez, José M. Mira, Francisco Aparicio-IzquierdoModelado de emisiones de partículas de autobuses urbanos2019Conference2do CONGRESO sobre MEDIOS de TRANSPORTES y sus TECNOLOGÍAS
J. Villagra; C. Join; R. Haber; M. FliessModel-free control for machine tools7/11/2020Conference21st IFAC World Congress
Alvaro García Navalón , Natalia Fonseca, José Mira y Zamir MeraModelling urban bus fleet emissions with machine learning boosting methods: City of Madrid2019PosterTAP 2019 - 23rd Transport and Air Pollution conference, Thessaloniki, Greece
Edinalva Gomes Bastos, María Cueto-Felgueroso González-Pardo, José M. Mira, Natalia Elizabeth Fonseca, Blanca Arenas-Ramírez, Francisco Aparicio-IzquierdoMODELOS DE EMISIONES DE PM y NOx DE AUTOBUSES EN RECORRIDOS URBANOS.7/6/2021Conference
Angel Madridano; Abdulla Al-Kaff; David Martin Gomez; Arturo de la EscaleraMulti-Path Planning Method for UAVs Swarm Purposes2019CommunicationIEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES19)
David Yagüe-Cuevas, Pablo Marín-Plaza, María Paz-Sesmero, Araceli SanchisNearest Pose Index Computation for Lateral Control in Autonomous Vehicles2023Communication15th ITS European Congress
V. Jiménez, J. Godoy, A. Artuñedo, J. VillagraObject-based Velocity Feedback for Dynamic Occupancy Grids6/6/2022Paper2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Angel Madridano, Abdulla Al-Kaff, Pablo Flores Peña, David Martin Gomez, Arturo de La EscaleraObstacle Avoidance Manager System for UAVs Swarm2020CommunicationInternational Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Martín, M., Ramírez, A., Anguera, M., García, P.Operation in Tunnels Construction Works with Autonomous or Tele-operated Trucks2019ConferenceThe Eighth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications
M. Petrovic; A. Villalonga; Z. Miljkovik; F. Castaño; S. Strzelczak; R. E. HaberOptimal Tuning of Cascade Controllers for Feed Drive Systems using Particle Swarm Optimization7/22/2019Conference2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
JIMENEZ ALONSO, FELIPEOptimización de una maniobra de adelantamiento aplicada a vehículos autónomos.7/6/2021Communication
David Yagüe-Cuevas, Alejandro Ruiz-de-la-Cuadra, Pablo Marín-Plaza y José María ArmingolOptimización del entorno de simulación para el depurado de arquitectura software en vehículos autónomos2021CommunicationXIX CONFERENCIA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA PARA LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL
I. Parra; H. Corrales; N. Hernández; S. Vigre; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.Performance analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications for critical tasks in autonomous driving.10/27/2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
Carlos Quiterio Gómez Muñoz,PlataformaWeb para el procesamiento de imágenes multiespectrales2019Otro (especificar en comentarios)FENAVIN 2019.
Abdulla Al-Kaff, Angel Madridano, Ahmed Radwan, Francisco Miguel Moreno, Ahmed Hussein and Arturo de la EscaleraPointNet Evaluation for Detection of On-Road Object Using a Multi-Resolution Conditioning2019Communication11th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference
A. Quintanar, D. F. Llorca, I. Parra, R. Izquierdo, M. A. SoteloPredicting Vehicles Trajectories in Urban Scenarios with Transformer Networks and Augmented Information2021PaperIEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2021 (IEEE IV21)
J. F. Medina-Lee; A. Artuñedo; J. Godoy; J. VillagraReachability Estimation in Dynamic Driving Scenes for Autonomous Vehicles10/20/2020Conference2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Álvaro Ramajo Ballester, Jacobo González Cepeda, José María Armingol Moreno, Arturo de la Escalera HuesoReidentificación de vehículos mediante técnicas de deep learning2022CommunicationXLIII Jornadas de Automática
A Farag, A Hussein, OM Shehata, F García, HH Tadjine, E MatthesResponse of Vulnerable Road Users to Visual Information from Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces27-30 octubre 2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
J. Lorenzo; I. Parra; F. Wirth; C. Stiller; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.RNN-based pedestrian action prediction with self-supervised feature extraction6/23/2020ConferenceIEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2020 (IVS)
S. Carrasco, D. F. Llorca, M. A. Sotelo.SCOUT: Socially-COnsistent and UndersTandable Graph Attention Network for Trajectory Prediction of Vehicles and VRUs44388PaperIEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2021 (IEEE IV21)
Divya Kanapram, Pablo Marin-Plaza, Lucio Marcenaro, David Martin, Arturo de la Escalera, and Carlo RegazzoniSelf-awareness in Intelligent Vehicles: Experience Based Abnormality Detection20-22 Noviembre 2019ConferenceRobot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference
Irene Cortés, Jorge Beltrán, Arturo de la Escalera, Fernando GarciaSiaNMS: Non-Maximum Suppression with Siamese Networks for Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection2020Communication2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
Marcos Blanco; Miguel Santos; Gustavo Navarro; Jorge Torres; Jorge Nájera; Luis García-Tabarés; Marcos LafozSimplified model of a novel direct-drive PTO based on an azimuthal linear switched reluctance generator2021ConferenceEuropean Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2021)
F. Jiménez, A. Astudillo, B. Monsalve, M. Paz Sesmero, J.M. Armingol, J. Fernández Andrés, J.e. Naranjo, A. Sanchis, N. AlianeSistema de Arbitraje Distribuido para Conducción Cooperativa, Conectada y Autónoma en Entornos Complejos2021CommunicationXXI Congreso Español sobre Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte
Carlos Quiterio Gómez Muñoz, Christian Paredes, Fausto Pedro García MarquezSmart Farming: Intelligent management approach for crop inspection and evaluation employing unmanned aerial vehicles7/30/2020ConferenceSpringer International Publishing
M. Moreno-Gonzalez, Villagra, A. Artuñedo, C. Join, M. FliessSpeed-Adaptive Model-Free Lateral Control for Automated Cars9/28/2022Paper8th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control
J. Nájera, H. Mendonça, R. M. de Castro, J. R. ArribasStrategies for Voltage Oscillation Mitigation in LV Distribution Networks with EV Smart Charging Control6/4/2019Poster25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED2019)
Jorge Nájera; Miguel Santos; Marcos Blanco; Gustavo Navarro; Jorge Torres; Marcos LafozTechno-Economic Dimensioning Methodology for Battery Energy Storage Systems: Electricity Access Fee Reduction in Industrial Consumptions2021ConferenceIV Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES2021)
A. Quintanar; R. Izquierdo; I. Parra; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.The PREVENTION Challenge: how good are humans predicting lane changes?6/23/2020ConferenceIEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2020 (IVS)
R. Izquierdo; A. Quintanar; I. Parra; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.The PREVENTION dataset: a novel benchmark for PREdiction of VEhicles iNTentIONs.10/27/2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
David Yagüe-Cuevas, Pablo Marín-Plaza, María Paz-Sesmero, Araceli SanchisTowards a Robust Traffic Scene Representation in Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility2023Communication9th international Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
A. Hernández, D. F. Llorca, I. G. Daza.Towards view-invariant vehicle speed detection from driving simulator images10/24/2022Paper14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery
J. F. Medina-Lee, J. Villagra, A. ArtuñedoTraded control architecture for automated vehicles enabled by the scene complexity estimation11/5/2020Paper4th International Paper on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Two-Stream Networks for Lane-Change Prediction of Surrounding VehiclesTwo-Stream Networks for Lane-Change Prediction of Surrounding Vehicles9/23/2020Conference2020 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
A. Ramajo, J. González, J.M. ArmingolVehicle re-identification in road environments using deep learning techniques2022Communication14th ITS European Congress
R. Izquierdo; A. Quintanar; I. Parra; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Highway Scenarios Using Bird Eye View Representations and CNNs9/23/2020Conference2020 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
A. Villalonga; F. Castaño; G. Beruvides; R. E. Haber; S. Strzelczak; J. KossakowskaVisual Analytics Framework for Condition Monitoring in Cyber-Physical Systems10/9/2019Conference2019 23rd International Conference on System Theory; Control and Computing (ICSTCC)
C. Guindel, A. García, N. Hernández, I. Parra, E. KimWiFi-based Localization for Fail-Aware Autonomous Driving in Urban Scenarios2023PaperIEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2023 (IEEE IV23)
N. Hernández; H. Corrales; I. Parra; M. Rentero; D. F. Llorca; M. A. Sotelo.WiFi-based urban localisation using CNNs.10/27/2019Conference2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
Marcos Rodríguez, Abdulla Al-Kaff, Angel Madridano, David Martin Gomez, Arturo de La EscaleraWilderness Search and Rescue with Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems2020CommunicationInternational Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)