Ciudades sostenibles: seguridad vial de usuarios vulnerables de la vía
El acceso a sistemas de transporte asequibles, accesibles, sostenibles y seguros para todos es una prioridad en las ciudades sostenibles. La movilidad sostenible de usuarios vulnerables de la vía VRUs (peatones, ciclistas, motociclistas, y usuarios de Vehículos de...
Automatic adjustment of the autonomy level of an intelligent vehicle based on the driving scene complexity
Introduction Autonomous driving systems (ADS) have been improving their capabilities during the recent years, being able to handle more scenarios in a safe manner. Nevertheless, this kind of systems still require human intervention in some situations where the...
Characterization of pedestrian behaviour in the instant prior to a pedestrian collision using a virtual reality environment
Introduction This work aims to analyze and identify the main areas of optimization of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) systems of new generation commercial vehicles, through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) techniques, in order to determine and predict the main...