The socio-economic quest towards developing transportation with lower CO2 emission is a global goal of the European Union, Japan and the USA, and a crucial ingredient for the competitiveness of the whole transportation industry. Electro-mobility technologies, clearly represented by electric and hybrid vehicles, could be applied as solution to these goals, but their implantation is presently limited by a large set of policy, economic and technological constraints. This means that it is necessary the creation of a discussion forum where to put in common the different necessities, solutions, researches and products presently existing as well as to increase the society awareness about the benefits of this new concept of mobility. In consequence, this special session aims to be a discussion forum about the state-of-the-art of electro-mobility technologies as well as ICT applied to electro-mobility, as solution and “evolution” of the future of road mobility.
A selection of high-quality papers presented in this Special Session will be invited to participate in a Special Issue in Electro-Mobility of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
Source: segvauto